Monday, October 1, 2012

Pilates for Life

If you know anything about the History of Pilates you will know and appreciate the many amazing benefits of the Pilates Method. From flattening the abdomen, to reducing back pain; increasing flexibility to eliminating the need for certain surgeries; Pilates really IS an amazing program. But Pilates is way more than just a toning or stretching exercise. It's a results driven muscular re-education program that takes the body back to a state of youthfulness.You remember: those days before all the aches and pains and injuries of everyday life set in. Joe Pilates practiced what he preached and was proud of his method:
"I must be right. Never an aspirin. Never injured a day in my life. The whole country, the whole world, should be doing my exercises. They'd be happier."                           Joseph Hubertus Pilates, in 1965 (two years before he died) 
Although we are active at sports and recreational activites like hiking, running and biking, we are not balancing our bodies and giving them what they need to stay healthy. How many runners are side-lined because of repetitive stress injuries? How many retirees want to play golf and tennis but their backaches are too severe from all the years sitting behind a desk? How many athletes, as skilled as they may be at their chosen sport, just need that extra edge over the competition? Pilates is here to help.
Pilates is more than exercise. It's more than therapy. Its a way of life. And it should be done every day for your entire life. Pilates is like taking a shower. We shower (hopefully - LOL!) on a daily basis. Its something that we need to do in order to stay healthy and clean, but if you do it too often you will shrivel and dry up. Your daily shower is also an habitual activity. You do it regularly and just don't feel right without it. Pilates is like that. You choose to do and your body craves Pilates everyday in order to maintain your vitality, flexibility and energy.
Lolita and Me at a Pilates Conference
My good friend, Lolita San Miguel (Pilates Elder and only living person actually certified by Joe Pilates), once said to me after being asked why she does Pilates every single day, "I just don't feel right if I don't do Pilates". Now in her late 70's, Lolita is living proof of the effects of a daily Pilates regimen.
Pilates gets into the very essence of your being because it can affect the body on a cellular level. Your energy and outlook on life is different when you practice Pilates daily. You digest better and sleep better when you do Pilates. Everyday tasks seem much less daunting after you've done your Pilates session and the energy boost seems to last all day. I have been practicing Pilates for over 20 years now and I agree with Lolita... I just don't feel right if I miss a day. In fact, I think I've got to cut this Blog Post short because I need to go and do some Pilates right now.
Even just a few minutes of focused work makes a huge difference. But don't be fooled: Pilates is not a quick fix. It can take many lessons in order to learn the techniques and many years to master them. But, trust me, its worth it!
Want to do a little Pilates with Lolita and me? Check out this DVD.... Sample of Lolita & Frankie DVD available at The PIA StoreThe PIA Store in Workout DVD's


  1. I LOVE that quote from Joseph Pilates! He is such an inspiration to me... everyone should have a daily workout routine and Pilates is one of the best ways to do it. :)

    Thanks for the great post!

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